Madha Gaja Raja is an upcoming Indian Tamil-language action comedy film directed by Sundar C and produced by Gemini Film Circuit. It stars Vishal, Anjali and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in the leading roles, while Santhanam and Sonu Sood play other pivotal supporting roles. The film began production in 2012 and was completed by 2013, but remained unreleased for over a decade due to financial troubles. It is scheduled to release in theatres on 12 January 2025, during the Pongal weekend. Madha Gaja Raja pre release event happened in chennai today. Madha Gaja Raja public review will be out on Madha Gaja Raja FDFS. Presenting Vishal, Sundar C, Vijay Antony, Kushboo speech about Madha Gaja Raja movie experience.
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