Acute pain is whenever you have pain which is less than 1 week duration it can be a one second or 1 hour duration anyway less than 1 week duration. This is almost always because of some trauma if you trying to clean up the ear through ear buds that can cause your pain. The other courses can be infections or you got exposed to changes of temperature, get exposed to very high blast of the AC which is very cold and then you get the pain. You can also have pain in acute cases when you choose something very hard we have something called which temporomandibular joint which is fairly common problem. If you choose something very hard or stretch your jaw very high that also causes pain. In any case infections are the most common cause of acute pain and chronic pain or something should be very very careful about because the arthritis can progress on to more severe forms and persist unless t is treated properly and any ear pain which is persisting for more than 3 weeks are not good because we have seen that rarely neoplasm or Malignancies of the throat or the tongue or the nasal cavity or oral cavity can cause your pain and that is very very dangerous. Yes, any pain in which is not getting subsided by over the counter medication in about couple of days or earlier you have to consult an ENT doctor so that you can get better treatment.
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