Well, it's been a long time coming, but here it is! The full version of my character mash-up to Britney Spears "Work B*tch". Characters featured (in order of appearance) are Lilly Loca, Larissa Pike, Gary Krumbert and Jethro Jenkins.
I also apologize for the not-so-fabulous lighting - I filmed this with two desk lamps. Oh the technology we have these days! ;) I hope you enjoyed regardless.
Nat Hugill
Actress | MC | Producer | Lilly Loca Burlesque | Teacher | Producer | Events
Website: www.nathugill.com & www.lillyloca.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/nathugillcreative
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nathugillcreative + www,facebook.com/vavavoomproductionsnz
Song: 'Work Bitch' by Britney Spears.
Character Mash-up - FULL VERSION
Britney Spears (icon)Mashup (Musical Genre)Character Actor (Profession)gary krumbertlilly locanat hugillnatalie hugilllarissa pikejethro jenkinsredneckCatherine Tate (TV Program Creator)Little Britain (TV Program)Character (Award Discipline)OriginalFullbritneyactoractressaucklandfamousnew zealandperforming artistentertainercomedyfunnysteriotypesvaudevillevarietyburlesquecabaretalter egosexyteasecostumesgeekchavchavs