⭐️ Scholarship Update! ⭐️
AI and Data Science Scholarships @unibirmingham
The University of Birmingham are offering scholarships worth £10,000 each for students from non-STEM or far-STEM degrees to progress into the AI and Data Science workforce!
120 students from under-represented groups, particularly women, Black and disabled students and those from low socio-economic backgrounds, will each be supported by a generous scholarship of £10,000 toward tuition fees.
Choose from the following AI and Data Science courses:
⭐️ MSc Bioinformatics
⭐️ Online MSc Bioinformatics
⭐️ MSc Computer Science
⭐️ MSc Financial Technology
⭐️ MSc Data Science
⭐️ MSc Health Data Science
⭐️ MSc Responsible Data Science
Happy applying, (the deadline is the 31st of August)!
To apply click my story or my highlights 😊
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