How to Identify Wandflower (Gaura lindheimeri)
This is Wandflower or Gaura, a perennial American native that blooms throughout the summer.
The plant has several thin, unbranched erect stems with tall flowering stalks. The stems are light green and are covered in soft hairs.
The leaves grow alternate along the stem and are small and lanceolate and may have slightly toothed margins. Their upper and lower surfaces are covered in white glands.
The flowers are loosely arranged on flowering stalks that can grow up to 5 feet tall, on which only a few will bloom at the same time. They have four petals and eight long stamens and are white or light pink in color. The plants will bloom in Early summer and will continue to bloom indeterminately until the first frost of the year.
Wandflower likes full sun and well-drained soils. It grows off a long taproot and is fairly drought resistant.
WANDFLOWER (Gaura lindheimeri)
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