Celebrate 11 incredible years of The Christmas Twist in an exclusive 24-hour holiday marathon! Originally aired on December 21, 2013, this heartwarming and hilarious Christmas classic stars Stu Burguiere, Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Lisa Burguiere, and Jeffy Fisher. This anniversary event brings back the nostalgia, laughs, and festive charm that have made it a family favorite for over a decade. Featuring unforgettable moments, including Glenn Beck as a news anchor and Pat Gray in a starring role, The Christmas Twist has outshone Hallmark movies in originality and spirit. Watch the full 24-hour marathon only on BlazeTV and make this holiday season one to remember!
#TheChristmasTwist #11thAnniversary #HolidayMarathon #conservativenews #GlennBeck #ChristmasComedy #FamilyFilm #studoesamerica #blazetv #stuburguiere
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