Here's the 2nd part of it now with FAR more sounds and noises. Hopefully not too many that repeat themselves (trust me it's a lot harder than u think xD).
I see people keep saying that if there's a DC he says/does smth ... but I've played him for 5 hours and nobody DC'ed so yeah.. if it'll happen I'll make sure to find a way to add that too.
Hope you guys will enjoy this as much as you enjoyed the first one ^^
0:00 Mainly Grunts
1:21 Crazy Laughter...mostly
2:54 Words and some other stuff
#Eros #DeadByDaylight #TheTrickster #AllKill
The Trickster - Environmental Noises PART 2
dead by daylightdbdthe trickstertricksterdbd the tricksterdbd new killerdbd moridbd new killer morithe trickster morithe trickster laughsthe trickster dbdthe trickster dbd laughterdbd the trickster soundsthe trickster noisedead by daylight the trickster noisedead by daylight the tricksterdbd new killer laughterdbd new killer soundsthe trickster dead by daylighttrickster gruntsthe trickster gruntsthe trickster stundbd trickster