Can testosterone therapy cause anger, aggression, or anxiety? We will address this question, how testosterone affects the body with regard to mood, and what scenarios lead to anger and aggression.
These symptoms can occur from testosterone therapy but they are also symptoms of not enough testosterone too. Maybe you're thinking about going on testosterone therapy and you’re concerned about these things. Maybe you're already on testosterone therapy and think this might be happening, or you have a loved one or spouse that's taking testosterone and you’re just not sure. Sometimes internet research can be vague and give conflicting information so we are going to clarify the effect of testosterone on mood.
This question come up quite a bit so I thought I would post some additional information and perspectives on testosterone anger and aggression.
Whether you're already on testosterone or thinking about starting it, we want to answer the questions: can testosterone cause aggression
can testosterone cause anger can testosterone cause anxiety.
The quick and straight answer to that question is, it can. However the longer answer is, it really depends. We are going to get into some of those details and variables here. The first thing we probably want to look at in trying to address this question is; where your baseline testosterone is starting off at. As I said, I usually get this question from people that are thinking about doing testosterone therapy and they don't want to get increased aggression or anger. Who really wants to be angry and aggressive though?
The thing is when you're on the low end of the testosterone spectrum on levels, the low levels can actually also lead to these types hormonal imbalance symptoms. The main symptoms of low testosterone are:
low libido
low motivation and fatigue
erectile dysfunction
There are other symptoms too but the point I wanted to make is that fatigue can lead to aggression, anger, and irritability. When you just don't have the motivation to do X, Y, or Z, many people tend to get irritated with lots of things. You might get irritated that you can't do it. Maybe you want to do it and or someone's pushing you to do something that at your too tired to do. Now your irritated or angry because you don't feel like doing it. Instead of saying, "I'm tired", you might lash out.
So if you're starting out with low testosterone likely those symptoms are actually gonna get better when you go on the treatment, whether it is a testosterone pellet, topical or injectable testosterone. However, if you overshoot the mark and your levels get high, you can also run into problems with aggression, anger, and anxiety in my experience.
The main reason testosterone by itself can cause aggression occur when the levels are too high. High testosterone and aggression can happen in females on testosterone therapy too. This seems to happen a lot more commonly with pellet therapy because, they tend to push the levels way high. I do see this from time to time, not always but it does occur. Another thing to think about is knowing your body. You might start testosterone therapy and feel really good, like your work feels easier and you are "in the flow". Your levels of total testosterone might be at nine hundred or a thousand. Someone else at the same level of testosterone may feel a little bit on edge or irritable. So you have to look at and know the individual person and make sure you are not feeling anxious, irritable, or angry. Because you may think it is just circumstances of your life, you have to know what you tendencies are. If you do start getting these feelings from your testosterone therapy, it does not mean you can't or should not take it. Rather that you just adjust the dose to the point you're still getting the benefit but you're not getting these negative symptoms.
00:00 Introduction (TRT) testosterone and anger
01:38 Low testosterone symptoms
03:41 testosterone levels and dosing
05:30 Estrogen level and mood changes
4 Ways Testosterone Can Cause Anger, Anxiety, or Aggression
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