Hey guys smDDS here again, I was the first to upload a g maul pk vid of oldschool runescape. Now the first to put up a G maul Rushing video. Remember to like and subscribe.
Next video I will have 82 mage and ancients hopefully.
I will also be doing recipe for disaster as combat bracelets have all of sudden become very expensive.
When I hit 70 range which I hope to get within a few weeks I'll also be getting a firecape.
ignore deez
runescape oldschool pking 2007 rs zezima g maul 60 attack 50 attack dds d scim pure 1 def defence elvemage deep dragons player kill mac miller 420 weed bolas? ags dragon longsword rushing pk vid g maul earth wave pownage pure mystic teleblock flames of zamorak saradomin strike i knew you were a goat when you walked in harlem shake
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