In this gripping short film, set in a small town in Mexico, a father's dark secret unfolds as he commits an unthinkable act against his own son. Consumed by rage upon discovering his son in a compromising situation, he shifts the blame onto the young man's lover and hires a hitman to eliminate him. However, the plot thickens when the lover reveals the truth before his tragic end, forcing the hitman into a precarious position. As the father attempts to cover his tracks, unexpected twists lead to a thrilling climax.
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#LaCucaracha #ShortFilm #Thriller
#Drama #MexicanCinema #PlotTwists
#ThrillerFilm #FamilyDrama #unexpectedtwists
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Atlantis by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. [ Ссылка ]
Distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment
Renascent Films
Atmosphere Entertainment Inc.
Flashpoint ltd
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