Embark on an epic feline adventure with Cat Quest, an open-world RPG set in the enchanting realm of cats! Your mission: to thwart the nefarious Drakoth and rescue your kidnapped sister in a meowtastic journey. Traverse the vast overworld map of Felingard, risking life and limb in dungeons for coveted loot, all while extending a helping paw to a delightful cast of furry characters through a plethora of side quests.
Engage in heart-pounding real-time combat, where your catventurer skillfully wields a blade, executes nimble dodge rolls, and unleashes potent magic spells like Lightnyan, Flamepurr, and Healpaw. The fur-real-time combat experience adds an extra layer of excitement to the quest for victory!
Immerse yourself in the rich world of Felingard, where intriguing places and quirky characters await your discovery. Encounter a town possessed by an insatiable desire for meat, aid the mages Mewlin and Meowgan in their quest to break a magical seal, and track down missing deliveries of "House of Parchments" and "The Pouncing Dead."
Cat Quest beckons you to experience the thrill of a whimsical adventure, where each pawstep leads to new discoveries and challenges.
Cat Quest - Full Game Walkthrough (No Commentary) - 100% Achievements
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► Cat Quest Playlist - [ Ссылка ]
00:00 - Intro
01:14 - Tutorial
03:36 - First Dragon
04:28 - To the Second Dragon
10:23 - Second Dragon
12:56 - To the Third Dragon
19:15 - Water Walking Ability
32:41 - Spells Upgrading
33:49 - Third Dragon
35:35 - to Founder's Island
37:00 - Getting the Golden Key
40:58 - Flying Ability
50:26 - Fourth Dragon
57:46 - Pirate's Treasure
59:57 - Obtaining Legendary Weapon: Willpower
1:03:58 - Spells Upgrading
1:05:23 - Drakoth Trap
1:06:29 - Getting Even Stronger
1:15:10 - Spells Collecting
1:19:16 - Obtaining Legendary Headgear: Faith
1:21:40 - Frozen Paw
1:22:51 - Zero Dimension
1:27:14 - Epilogue
1:28:31 - Side Quests
4:12:53 - Obtaining Legendary Armor: Courage
4:13:47 - Side Quests
4:20:35 - Clearing the Remaining Dungeons
5:02:08 - Level 99 Farming
5:17:00 - Cathulhu
5:17:46 - Mew Game Meow-difiers x3 [Level One, Nine Lives, Stronger Enemies]
6:07:59 - Mew Game Meow-difiers x2 [Nine Lives, Stronger Enemies]
6:54:31 - Mew Game Meow-difiers x1 [Naked Cat]
8:28:51 - Mew Game Meow-difiers x1 [Furry Armored]
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