Arrest me burg ka qene masa qe gjykata e Krimeve te Remda ka dhene ndaj tre te personave te akuzuar për plagosjen gjate nje operacioni policor, te shefit te krimeve te Burrelit Musa Skura. I pari, para togave te zeza, ka dale Fitim Alla, i vetmi me akuzën e vrasjes se mbetur ne tentative ndaj shefit te krimeve. Alla nuk ka pranuar te flasë para gjykatës, megjithëse ne prokurori ka dëshmuar se ka qene ne gjendje te dehur dhe se nuk mbante mend asgjë se çka ndodhur mbrëmjen e se dielës. Ndërkohë, dy te arrestuarit e tjerë Vilson Mulkurti dhe Edison Lleshi akuzohen nga prokuroria vetëm për veprën penale te posedimit ne sasi te medha te armeve luftarake. Megjithëse, ne moshe te mitur edhe per këta dy te pandehur, gjykata vendosi te pranoje kërkesën e prokurorisë duke i lene ne masën arrest me burg. Shefi i Krimeve te policisë se Burrelit, Musa Skura, i plagosur me arme zjarri gjate nje operacioni policor, u transportua per mjekim me te specializuar drejt spitalit "Padre Pio" ne Foggia te Italisë. Gjendja e tij paraqitet e rende, per shkak te dëmtimit te pese organeve. Sipas ministrisë se Brendshme, gjendja ka mbetur e pandryshuar edhe pas marrjes nen kurim nga mjeket e specializuar te këtij spitali.
Prison custody was that measures Remda Crimes Court has given to the three accused persons injured during a police operation, Burrel crimes chief Musa Skura.First, before togave black, brought Alla profit, only the charge of attempted murder against crime boss. Alla has declined to address the court, although the prosecutor has proven to have been drunk and did not remember anything about what happened that Sunday evening. Meanwhile, the two arrested other Wilson Mulkurti and Edison Lleshi accused by the prosecution only for the offense of possession in quantities of assault rifles. Although, at a young age for these two defendants, the court decided to accept the prosecution's request leaving prison custody measure. Chief of Police Crimes Burrel, Musa Skura, wounded with a firearm during a police operation, was transported for specialized treatment to the hospital, "Padre Pio" in Foggia, Italy. His condition appears serious, due to the five organ damage. According to the Interior Ministry, the situation has remained unchanged even after taking under treatment by specialized doctors to the hospital.
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