Quick display size/quality and size comparison between ThinkPad X200 & X330 16:10 & X300 & T430
X230 with 13.3" or 16:10 screen is often called X330
X300 is bigger, but thinner than X230 or X200, X230 is wider than X200
X300 is really thin machine, but has around 1/2 performance of X200
X300 has terrible TN screen - screen looks blue, even T430 looks nicer
X300 has special feature "ultrabay battery" - battery instaed DVD burner, you can hotswap them
A regular TN panel has flickers - it uses PWM to control brightness ( X300 )
Comparsion ThinkPad X200 X230 X300 T430
X230X220X330thinkpadthinkpad X220thinkpad X230thinkpad X33016:10 x230i7-3615QE3615QEred thinklightthinklight2560x1600 x23016:10 X220a.gainchinese board51nblenovolaptoptechhardware modipsips upgradethinkpad ips upgradex220 ipsx230 ipsdisplay moddisplay upgradethinkpad comparsionX300T430thinkpad T430thinkpad X300X200thinkpad X200X301thinkpad X301