Ever seen Rob Machado with a clean shaven head? And who's that masked bandit smacking butts on the North Shore? These secrets and more...
This "Secret Video" on the Momentum II DVD release was accessed by on your VCR controller (like a secret level of a video game) and featured odd-ball clips and loose shenanigans from the North Shore sessions.
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Secret Video from MOMENTUM II
surfsurfingtaylorsteelerobmachadokellyslatershanedoriansurfermomentumgenerationSecret SectionMomentum FilesMomentumTaylor SteeleThe Momentum FilesMomentum Generationsurf historysurf DVDsurf filmmakingsurf moviessurf filmfilmKelly SlaterRob MachadoAndy IronsNorth ShoreShane DorianKalani RobbTaylor Knox90s surfing