The Define Phase is the first phase of the Six Sigma improvement process. In this phase the project team creates a Project Charter, a high-level map of the process and begins to understand the needs of the customers of the process.
This is a critical phase in which the team defines the project i.e. focus for themselves and the leadership of the organization.
In this video, I have explained “Project Charter” in very detailed along with all concepts with example.
I am sure you will like it.
Define phase: Project Charter
Project CharterDefine phaseDefineTools in Define phaseConcepts in Define phaseProblem statementBusiness caseScopeProject scopeGoalGoal statementSMARTSMART statementTeam membersRoles of team membersCoachChampionSponsorTeam leaderProject leaderProcess ownerTimelineMilestonesProject riskRiskRisk and IssuesAssumptionsProject AssumptionsStakeholdersProject charter approvalSix SigmaDMAICContingency plan