UCL Malaysian Society presents to you: Belonging 2018! Set amidst the once peaceful town of Taman Santubong, the story revolves around the conflict between Anna, an environmentalist protesting against re-development plans, and Mr Ronny, a greedy businessman who initiated those plans. As tempers flare and things get heated up, what once started off as a neighbourly dispute quickly develops into something much darker -- until one might question just how far people would go if their actions are driven by personal interests and racist agendas.
Come and catch our annual sell-out show on the 24th of February as our incredibly talented cast and crew deliver an unforgettable performance filled with incredible acting, phenomenal dances, and melodious original songs.
Get your tickets to enjoy this UCL Malaysian Society original production:
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Date: 24th February 2018
Time: 7pm (Doors open at 6.30pm)
Venue: Logan Hall
Trailer Credits: Jordan Chang
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