The Virat Kohli captaincy saga continues to grab headlines, India's cricket legends have weighed in on the matter. Former Team India captain Vengsarkar has said that 'Ganguly had no business to speak on behalf of the selection panel'. The ODI captaincy controversy had snowballed after Virat Kohli held a press meet claiming he was sacked at 1.5-hour notice & that his decision to quit the T20 captaincy had been 'welcomed as a progressive step'. Days after the press meet, batting legend Sunil Gavaskar said that the BCCI chief should be asked about 'discrepancies in the statements'. Kirti Azad has also hit out. Recalling the time Chappell dropped Ganguly as Captain, the World Cup winner has said that 'Ganguly should have learnt from his own example'
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