In this tutorial we build a simple List View app in Android Studio using Java.
I will demonstrate how to build a list view using a custom adapter. Our adapter class is going extend ArrayAdapter.
We will also implement an on click listener for our list view. So that when you tap on any given row in our list we will taken to a detail activity. To achieve this we will pass our selected item to our detail activity via an intent using put extra.
Our List View will use a custom class of Shape for this example to populate each row. The principles applied here could be used for any custom class that you would like to create a list view for.
Shape List Images:
[ Ссылка ]
Tutorial 1 (This video) - How to build a List View
Source Code: [ Ссылка ]
Link: [ Ссылка ]
Tutorial 2 - Search and Filter List View:
Source Code: [ Ссылка ]
Link: [ Ссылка ]
Tutorial 3 - ListView with search, filter, sort & toolbar:
Link: [ Ссылка ]
Tutorial 4 - ListView Multi-select filters:
Link: [ Ссылка ]
00:00 - Intro
00:25 - Set up
01:20 - Shape Class
02:19 - Layouts
03:59 - Adapter
07:29 - List Activity
10:52 - On Click Listener
13:19 - Detail Activity
15:43 - Testing
#ListView #AndroidStudio #AppDevelopment #CustomAdapter
List View App Android Studio Tutorial Using Custom Adapter
AndroidAndroid Studioandriodjavatutoriallistviewlistviewsimplehow toprogrammingcodingcodeandroid studiolist viewandroid programmingandroid appAustraliaon click listener2020itemclickcelladapteractivityon clicklistenerinstancecustombeginnerexamplefriendlylearnappandroidstudiorowtableviewhowtolayoutdetailshapelistintentonlistenputextraputextratableshapetutedemonstratebasicrowspassdetailActivitydetailviewarrayarrayadapter