India Vs China War China Vs India . World War 3 .
If India and China were to come to blows, the real war would be fought at sea. China imports large amounts of foreign oil, and two thirds of that must pass through the Indian Ocean. India sits astride the sea lanes providing China with energy. In the event of increased tensions the Indian Navy could impose essentially a blockade on China of vital shipping from the Persian Gulf and Africa.
Such a move could force the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) to travel thousands of miles around the southern end of Asia, into the Indian Ocean to confront Indian naval forces. The fate of the Chinese economy would be in the balance and could escalate to include many different domains of warfare. With that in mind, here our five weapons of such a potential conflict that China would fear most.
India Vs China Latest 2017 Military Comparison
India Vs ChinaChina vs Indiaworld War 3Military ComparisonIndia Vs CHina ArmyIndia Vs China Military ComparisonIndia Vs China World War 3India Vs Pakistanindia vs chinaindian armyindiachinachina armyindian armed forcesindian air forceiafindian special forcesindian militaryindian military powerchinese armychinese air forceplachinese navychinese armed forcechinese militaryarmymilitary parade