Shabbat Shuva to Yom Kippur – Becoming one with Hashem – The day of “At-One-Ment”.
In English, Yom Kippur is referred to as the day of Atonement (“At-One-Ment”), the day in which G-d forgives us for our transgressions. The process of repentance or Teshuva enables us to come close enough to Hashem so they we are literally sitting, as if we are totally “At One” with Hashem. The seven days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur enable us to rectify every single one of those days throughout the past year culminating with Shabbat Shuva. (The Haftorah beseeches the Jewish People to return to G-d). Through the process of Teshuva, by the end of Yom Kippur, we have reached the closest connection between ourselves and G-d, literally becoming one with Hashem, resulting in the automatic forgiveness of our sins. The Teshuva process and its connection to Shabbat, are discussed in this short Torah lesson.
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