Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Target 2 - Malfatto - Stealth Assassination - Serial offender
I think i managed to make this assassination pretty unique and entertaining considering how basic it is in nature (just 1 target out in the open with minimal guards). The best Brotherhood assassinations are still to come, along with the other Brotherhood missions ill be doing so stay tuned in. These videos will probably get better with each video.
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ACB | What Master Assassin Ezio Looks Like [ Malfatto ]
ezioStealthflashy parkourfree running1000 hours of AC1Assassins creed veteranezio stealthflashy stealthlegendary eziomaster assassinmaster assassin eziolore accurate ezioac2 stealthac2 perfect stealthAC Mirageassassins creed mirage1000 hours of ac2ac2altairac1acbacb stealthassassins creed brotherhood stealth1000 hours of acbassassins creed brotherhood master ezioezio brotherhoodacb malfattoacb malffatoacb serial offender