this is part of an upcoming video
well shit happens. it was fun though. getting battery acid on me is nothing new this is just the first time i got it on film hahahaha
and man did it get all over me, got me and my camera. i managed to soak everything within 6 feet. and i'm not worried about lead since it doesnt get absorbed by the skin. and lead does slowly leave your body over time anyway.
as for the acid. some places where a lot got on the ground it started foaming and bubbling a bit. but tbh old battery acid just makes your skin a bit itchy is all. a lot of Chemophobes will say stuff like "it'll melt your face off" but i highly doubt that from all the exposure i've had with it.
guess this goes to show i should start taking a nap after i come home from work more often, i dont work too well when i'm groggy haha.
Battery Acid Accident
batteryacidleadsulfuricbasehydrophloricburnsplashaccidentSulfuric Acid (Chemical Compound)CrashFireChaseRaveMetallicaBurningPoliceTechnoemptyopendrainbakingsodasodiumbicarbonateSodium Bicarbonate (Drug)FireworksDanceTranceBoomRocketRemixMixCrashesBottleFlameHappySeanWorksOutKingstonPowderDisplayClassicTuneShellExplodingFlashRecordsElectronicExplosiveOldschoolExplosionsRocketsLoudGasExperiment