Medica Pain Management is a medical practice and our Doctors and Orthopaedic surgeons specialise in providing comprehensive solutions for pain management with clinics in Ireland, United Kingdom, Ahmedabad, India and Cincinnati, US.
Appointments are made to suit you, and we can facilitate phone and video consultations at the patient’s request in selected clinics.
We treat:
• Knee, Hip, Ankle, Shoulder, Elbow Pains
• Muscle & Tendon Injuries
• Sports Injuries
Musculoskeletal Conditions:
• Arthritis
• Osteoarthritis
• Tendinitis
• Tendinopathy & Tendinosis
And many more conditions.
If you believe you could benefit from Regenerative Orthobiological treatments, please contact us from the UK on +44 (0)20 816 82 000, Ireland on +353 (0)1 298 8000, India on +91 91060 92301 or Cincinnati on + 1 (513) 8664111 to book an appointment today! Or book an online appointment with our consultants by visiting us on [ Ссылка ].
Medica Pain Management Clinic
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