POP Senior Advisor, Coach Jojo, takes us through his movement prepseries for PwPs to try at home.
About Coach Jojo
Jojo McDuffie, Senior Adviser to POP, is a Strength and Conditioning Coach, residing in Charlottesville, Virginia. He currently works at The University of Virginia in the Department of Intramurals Recreational Sports, as Senior Facility Coordinator and Instructor/Personal Trainer. He is also the owner of Rock Steady Boxing Harrisonburg and Head Coach at RSB Charlottesville, working directly with athletes diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.
These exercises, or those similar, should be prescribed by a licensed professional. Actors in the video are acknowledging the associated risks in demonstrating the activities. Please consult with your physician and healthcare providers prior to engaging in an exercise regimen.
POP Movement Series - Prep
parkinsonspower over parkinsonsparkinson'sparkinson diseaseparkinson's diseaseparkinsonneurologyneurosciencemovement disorderparkinsons diseaseliving with parkinson's diseasebalanceexercisesfallsfitnesshealthmobilitymovementparkinsons exerciseparkinsons exercisespdseniorsliving with parkinsons disease