This is a flight with what started life as the old HobbyZone Super Cub LP. This was a popular 3-channel trainer, back some years ago. I picked one up used, and after flying it a bit in its original condition, applied various mods. First I replaced the original wing, which had no ailerons, and had a strong dihedral, with a straight wing with ailerons. I changed the original wheels out for wheels meant for the Flyzone Beaver, to improve grass field performance. Then I replaced the original, rather weak, brushed power system with a brushless motor and ESC, and replaced the original (rather strange) receiver with a Lemon Rx 6-channel DSMX receiver. In retrospect, with this flight, I feel I should have used something a bit more powerful as a motor. With this brushless 1400kv motor and an 8x4 prop, the plane essentially flies fine, but still feels somewhat under powered.
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