My previous external camera battery pack, a double pouch cell lithium battery scraped out of a tablet with a custom cage, just expired. It had been taking less and less of a charge and was starting to dip toward 6v under load.
So I pulled out my lithium battery packs and found a double cell that's still working! Naturally, once I had soldered up a couple of leads to attach a barrel jack necessary for the NP-FW50 dummy adapter it mysteriously stopped working.
In this video I'll be taking apart the NP-F550 battery pack that I'll be using as a replacement to see if I can diagnose what went wrong or at least clean up all the connections and get it back to a working state. If I can it'll be the new external battery pack attached to my tripod for shooting video with my semi-portable recording rig.
HM8202 Specification PDF: [ Ссылка ]
HM8202 Google Webcache: [ Ссылка ]
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