If you file a Form 1065 partnership tax return late, you will certainly receive a late filing penalty notice from the IRS.
The IRS computes the penalty based on the number of months filed late, times the number of partners in the partnership. The penalty can get quite high very quickly...
There is some relief, however, under the IRS Revenue Procedure 84-35.
If a partnership meets the conditions, it can qualify for penalty relief.
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DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this video may contain information about tax, financial, and legal topics. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current developments. These informational materials are not intended and should not be taken as tax, financial, or legal advice. You should contact an advisor to discuss your specific facts and circumstances. Self-help services may not be permitted in all states or jurisdictions. The use of these materials does not create an attorney-client or confidential relationship. This video does not include information about every topic or issue related to these informational materials.
#IRS #Form1065 #IRSpenalties
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