Why wideband oxygen sensor is super efficient than narrowband oxygen sensor and What is the difference between narrow band and wide band o2 sensors? Here is full explanation of the differences between narrow band and wide band O2 sensors used in modern automobile engines to maintain the best air fuel ratio that yields low smoke emissions of harmful exhaust gases with maximum engine efficiency and best fuel economy.
In this EFI Electrician Training Animation videos the Oxygen sensors have been discussed with deep detail.
Narrow band vs Wideband o2 sensor comparison is explained.
Operating temperature, wire connections, out put differences and construction of both the sensors is discussed with the help of animation to make the differences more easily understandable for the automobile Technicians and students.
There are many different names of the wide band oxygen sensor that are UEGO, Air/Fuel ratio sensor, Lambda sensor, air fuel ratio sensor and ratio sensor.
#NarrowbandO2SensorvsWidebandO2sensor #NarrowbandandWidebadOxygenSensors
#narrowbando2Sensor #widebandO2Sensor
Working Principle of Wideband and Narrowband o2 sensor is also explained showing wiring diagram and ECM PCM connection.
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