[7nm+ vs 5nm Chipset] Boot, Fingerprint, Face ID, Camera, APP, BENCHMARK, RAM, and Game speeds between the Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra and iPhone 12 Pro Max. The iPhone 12 Pro Max is Rocking the new 5nm A14 Bionic chipset while the Mi 10 Ultra is running the 7nm+ Snapdragon 865 chip. Which phone do you think will win?
Wallpaper can be found on my twitter profile page here: [ Ссылка ]
00:00 - Intro, Specs and Settings
01:02 - Round 1 (Boot, Fingerprint & Face Unlock)
01:38 - Round 2 (Initially Opening APPs Speed Test & Benchmarks)
07:32 - Round 3 (RAM Management Test)
08:13 - Final Scores
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Until next time, this is TechNick :)
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Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra vs iPhone 12 Pro Max Speed Test
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