Title: Marshall McLuhan 1966 First and full lecture for the Young Mens Hebrew Association in New York
Recording date: May 7, 1966
Location: New York
Some notes:
Marshall McLuhan was not popular before 1967. A lot of the probes and information given in this lecture is from his books of 1967 and 1968 presented as jokes. The occasional laughter of the audience testifies to the novelty of his sayings and observed patterns.
Concepts explained:
- McLuhan introduces himself as having been called "Canada's revenge on the United States... you know, from the land of the DEW-Line, early warning system"
- the grievance jokes about French Canada (and Steve Allen's aphorism about jokes)
- roles ("identity as involvement") vs. jobs ("classification")
- the obsolescence of "old age"
- the future of the planet as a work of art
- Xerox takes us back to the medieval scribe
- the Medieval arts were "festive, communal, and participative" ("not intended to give any sense of privileged or elite life") ("like the Balinese who considered art as the programming of the environment" as in Pop Art)
- Thomas Merton as an example (left the noisy monastery for the life of the hermit's "silent hut")
- McLuhan is concerned for his work in literature but has become more fascinated with the new forms and doesn't think "there is too much occasion to despond"
About Marshall McLuhan:
Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) was the first major communications theorist of how the new media have the power to transform human nature. No matter how powerful or persuasive the message, he said, it’s the media that have changed our patterns of thought and behaviour. Now, in a world dominated by the Internet and social media, McLuhan’s revolutionary ideas are as hotly debated as they were in the 1960s, when he became an academic star known worldwide for his catchy slogans “the medium is the message,” “the global village,” and “hot and cool media.” Today, McLuhan is back in the spotlight again, this time as the first seer of cyberspace. For decades scholars and students have read Marshall McLuhan’s landmark books Understanding Media and the Gutenberg Galaxy, recognizing him as the foremost theorist of how the new media have affected human behaviour. Now, however, we can experience Marshall McLuhan in the original.
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