Over 500 re enactors from around the world headed to Hamilton to help bring Scotland's past to life. Living on site in authentic travelling encampments they cooked, traded and demonstrated the crafts of their time. In the arenas, armies met and old enemies fought with swords, muskets, cannons and arrow to relive some of the battles that shaped Scotland of today in front of cheering crowds.
Scotland's History Festival 2013
southlanarkshiretvscotlands history festivalchatelherault country parkHistory Of Scotland (Taxonomy Subject)Glasgow VikingsRobert the BruceHistoric Saltire SocietyTrouvereKampgruffeWilliam WallaceWars of IndependencePictsCeltsMedieval KnightsMedieval RealmRomansAugustio Legio IIIVFestivalLiveWorld War II (Event)World War I (Event)American Civil WarCrafy Beggars