In this episode of the International Harvester TD-7 Series C Bulldozer Restoration, I will show you how I rebuilt the left side final drive. I hope you will enjoy this series of videos as I enjoyed making it for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me and I will be happy to answer your questions.
Repair Bulldozer Final Drive and Sprocket Mount Hub
TD7CTD-7CInternational Harvesterrestoring bulldozerold bulldozerIH bulldozerIH dozerrestoring old equipmentold dozerrestoring old dozersalam sayhooddresstadressta td7dressta td7cdressta td-7crestoring td7restoring td7crestoring td-7crestorationold equipmentvintage equipmentantique equipmenttd7c dozertd7c bulldozerfinal drivefinaldrivetd7 final drivetd7c final drivedozer final drivebulldozer final drive