The Jammu and Kashmir administration announced a new industrial developmental scheme on Thursday. With a total outlay of Rs 28,400 crore, the scheme aims to encourage new investment and to take industrial development to the block level. While making the announcement, Lt Governor Manoj Sinha said the scheme will go a long way in ushering an era of socio-economic development of the region and for catering to the aspirations of people. The industrial development scheme is from the period of date of notification up to the year 2037 and aims at creating 4.5 lakh jobs, while also attracting ₹20,000 crore investments in the Union Territory. On this edition of The Big Picture, we’ll talk about the new industrial scheme and how it will benefit Jammu & Kashmir.
Guest Name:-
Aarti Tikoo Singh, Senior Journalist
Farooq Amin, Chairman, CII, J&K
Dr. Muniraju S.B., Dy. Advisor, J&K & Ladakh, Niti Aayog
Anchor:- Teena Jha
Producer:- Sagheer Ahmad
The Big Picture : Boost For J&K Industry
Rajya Sabha TVRSTVUPSCIASBoost For J&K IndustryPackage for J&K IndustriesJ&K IndustryBoost IndustrialCabinet CommitteeEconomic AffairsCentral Sector SchemeBPThe Big PictureGovernment of India400 CroreGenerate JobsBoost IndustryCIICapital InvestmentZone AZone BManufacturingGovt. of IndiaModi GovernmentCoronavirusCoronavirus UpdateEconomic DevelopmentSkillSustainable DevelopmentJammu & KashmirProgressive Ecosystem