A time-lapse taken showing the bridge tilting from the Newcastle Quayside. 500 shots were used with 4 second intervals covering approx 33 minutes. The shots were then batch processed in Lightroom 3 where i changed the WB, sharpened and did some other minor editing before cropping to 1920 X 1080 ready for the 1080p setting in youtube. Ive had to redo the video to 720p as the original movie maker video was going to 1420 x 1080 for some reason. Zooming/Panning was done in Adobe Premiere Pro where i made key frames thoughout the time-lapse to zoom in on the Sage as the bridge tilts. This is my first time using such programs and i have to say, for a novice its difficult! My original video panned and zoomed to the right hand leg but the video is too short to make this look decent as you end up missing the tilt.
Music: Warrior of the light by David Palermo
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Any advice or comments are most welcome.
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