In my opinion, white balance is the most important setting to perfect to create realistic-looking images. However, you should still dial it in when post-processing rather than in the field.
I'm all for getting it right in camera, especially regarding exposure and your camera's shutter speed, ISO, and aperture. All of these things have a penalty if you don't get them right in the field (motion blur, too much or too little depth of field, increased noise), so it's crucial to make sure these settings are correct. But if you're shooting in RAW, there is NO penalty for using auto white balance and fixing it in post.
Yes, you could buy a gray card and set it in the field, which works great for studio shoots where the lighting isn't changing. But light changes too quickly for landscapes, and it simply takes too much time to manually set the white balance. Rather than adjusting my white balance every few minutes, I'd rather think about being creative and capturing more compositions under different light.
So, I recommend using auto white balance for landscapes and just fixing in post if necessary. Spend your time and energy focusing on being creative rather than wasting time adjusting a setting that can be easily changed in post with no penalty.
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What white balance to use for landscape photography?
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