"Standalone Film Festival & Awards" is a unique Hybrid film festival for filmmakers/content creators where there are no barriers to borders, languages, genres, etc. Kumaar Aadarsh is the founder-chairman of the SFFA. This Award pageant has an online Award Nomination Festival and live screenings of nominated films, followed by the Standalone Award Show in the films capital of the world. The online voting for the Nomination runs on our virtual theatre, "Standalone Stream" www.standalonestream.com
This festival offers Standalone Stream, which is a self-monetizing platform where filmmakers release their films across the world by selling pay-per-show tickets and exhibiting the film with Anti-capture, encrypted, DRM security on our online Cinema, StandaloneStream. Standalone Film Festival & Awards is based in the USA in association with UV Talkies & United Media Works, Mumbai.
Connect with us on
Email: info@uvtalkies.com | info@standalonefilmfest.com
Web: www.uvtalkies.com
Screener Room: www.standalonestream.com
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