This video is about viewers questions about gems. How can I tell if my sleeping beauty turquoise is natural? Can I find out if it is stabilized? Can you tell it really came from the sleeping beauty mine? I was given a yellow stone in some earrings. Where should I go to find out what they are? Where should I go to sell my old coins and jewelry?
Music courtesy of youtube music:
Tiptoe out the back by Dan Lebowitz
Q&A Series Episode 12
Colored Gemstone AcademyPaul Deasy gemspaul deasy and judy crowellsunday funday with paul and judyGem educationfree gem classescolored gemstones by Paul Deasygems made easyweekly gem seminarspaul deasy qvcPaul Deasy HSNpaul deasy 3 amigoswhere do I sell coins and jewelryhow can I tell if my turquoise is stabilizedwhere can I go to see if my gems are real