Jammu and Kashmir’s Batool Zehra, a first year college student from Uri has sung a Ram bhajan in Pahari language to connect J&K with Ayodhya Ram Mandir ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony, to be held on January 22 in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh. Speaking on viral video of singing Ram bhajan in Pahari language, Batool Zehra said, “I heard a song by Jubin Nautiyal and I liked it very much. I thought that if it can be in Hindi, why can it not be in Pahari. I wrote it in Pahari and sang it. I recorded it and showed it to my sir. He posted it and it got viral. Thanks to the LG (Manoj Sinha) it is because of him that negative things are being removed from people's minds. My Muslim brothers also appreciated me a lot. Our Imam gave a message that we should love the country in which we live. Shri Ram was called 'Purushottam' because of his honesty and his belief in justice.” Meanwhile, preparations are underway in full swing for the grand temple opening, which will draw dignitaries and people from all walks of life. #ayodhyarammandir #kashmirigirl #uttarpradesh #news
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