Decky needs help paying for his surgery on his toes, feel free to msg "Deckyu" on Xbox and discord and wish him a full recovery.
Discord @Tweakpuddle266 or Teak for any questions
Teak very comp tags no stealing 😡
Sea of Thieves montage, SoT montage, SoT TDM, Sea of Thieves TDM, TDM montage, TDM clips, clip dump, 90 FoV Sea of Thieves, Sea of Thieves Hourglass, Sea of Thieves level 1000, Sea of Thieves FOTD, Sea of Thieves trolling, Sea of Thieves spawn camping, Sea of Thieves Redbeard, Sea of Thieves settings, Sea of Thieves moment, Sea of Thieves clips, SoT clip dump, Sea of Thieves Season 10, Sea of Thieves Safer Seas, PVE Mode Sea of Thieves, PVP Decline, Hourglass Sea of Thieves, Competitive Sea of Thieves POV, Bilge, Flex, Main Cannon, Helm, Experienced Sea of Thieves VOD, VOD Review, Shrouded Ghost (REAL!), Athena, Reaper, sot fov, 120 fov, 100 fov, 130 fov, no zoom, zoom, fov tutorial, sot inject, paks, Season 10, double gun nerf, no quick swap, quick swap, exploit, gunplay update, patch notes, voyages, skull of siren song, Pirate Fighting Simulator, arena, team death match
Teak | Sea of Thieves Montage 3
Sea of Thieves montageSoT montageSoT TDMSea of Thieves TDMTDM montageTDM clipsclip dump90 FoV Sea of ThievesSea of Thieves HourglassSea of Thieves trollingSea of Thieves spawn campingSea of Thieves momentSea of Thieves clipsSoT clip dumpHourglass Sea of ThievesCompetitive Sea of Thieves POVAthenaReaperfov tutorialsot injectpaksdouble gun nerfno quick swapquick swapexploitgunplay updatepatch notesarenateam death match