Marvel Comics’ Alpha Flight is one of my favorite comics. Created by one of my favorite comic creators John Byrne. I feel like it’s one of his more divisive works with people either really loving it or hating it. I see it as a masterpiece. Stephen King meets David Lynch with the perfect amount of super hero melodrama. Throw in some killer art and fun characters- what’s not to love? Please join me for a look inside.
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Revisiting ALPHA FLIGHT #21-24 By JOHN BYRNE
Alpha FlightJohn ByrneDiabloGilded lilyPink pearlSasquatchSnowbirdBob WiacekUncanny X-menHeather HudsonMarvel comicsCanadian super heroesComic flip throughQueer comics podcastNorthstarAuroraMutantsComics in the 80sComic reviewComic haulComic collectorComic conventionMichael TroyMichael Fitzgerald troyCartoonist KayfabeRead more comicsComics outlawLgbtqGay prideComic podcast