I forgot to mention in this video that my laser appointment was cancelled and moved back to July 24th, and that's why there hasn't been an update on that. There was totally something else I forgot to mention and am forgetting to put it here lol but oh well. I think I'm just going to start doing story times because the 'changes' aren't really happening anymore. Love you though and hope you're all doing as well as you can be!
8 Months on HrT and Odd Body Reveal | MtF Transgender
MtFm2ftranstransgenderMtF transgenderm2f transgenderhormone updatehormonesHrThormone replacement theraMtF Transgenderlgbtqlgbtqialgbt+male to femalemale 2 femaletransfemeninefemmefemininehormonehrthormone replacement therapyupdatetransitiontransition timelinemakeupmake upsrssexual reassignment surgerygrsgendermtf transitionreassignment surgerygcsgender confirmation surgerycoming outLauratransgirltranswomanwomangirllgbt