"The Godfather Part III" is a 1990 American crime film directed by "Francis Ford Coppola". It completes the story of Michael Corleone, a Mafia kingpin who tries to legitimize his criminal empire. The film stars "Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Talia Shire & Andy García", and features "Eli Wallach, Joe Mantegna, George Hamilton, Bridget Fonda & Sofia Coppola".
Part III received mixed to positive reviews compared to the critical acclaim of the first two films. It grossed $136,766,062 and was nominated for seven Academy Awards including the Academy Award for Best Picture.
"The Godfather 3" - Ending Scene With Theme
The Godfather (Film)the godfather 3 endingthe godfather 3 ending songthe godfather 3 end creditsthe godfather 3 michael deaththe godfather 3 themethe godfather 3 theme songthe godfather iii endingthe godfather iii ending scenethe godfather part iii endingthe godfather al pacino deaththe godfather michael diesthe godfather michael corleone deathAl Pacino (Celebrity)The Godfather Part III (Film)