I hand pollinate a few air plants and show you a seed pod from last years pollination. I have this air plant (Tillandsia ioantha) with a bunch of other air plants and bromeliads growing in a terrarium. I do plan on trying to grow these air plants from seed soon.
#airPlants, #bromeliads, #terrariumPlants
Pollinating Tillandsia ionantha | Air Plant Pollination
tillandsiatillandsia ionanthatillandsia air planttillandsia ionantha caremoon tillandsia ionanthatillandsia ionantha fuegotiallandsia ionanthatillandsia ionantha scaposatillandsia ionantha care guidetillandsia careair plant tillandsiatillandsia air plantstillandsia plantsionanthatillandsiatillandsia seedspropagating air plantspropagating tillandsiaair plant reproductionget more air plantsair plant pupstillandsia pupsair plant seeds