Listen to this Powerful mantra for uterus related issues such as PCOD / PCOS, Irregular periods, menopause and infertility issues. Listen or chant this mantra daily and seek the divine mother's blessings
वालाम्बिकेश वैद्येश भवरोगहरेति च।
जपेन्नामत्रयं नित्यं महारोगनिवारणम्॥९॥
Balambikesha vaidyesha bava roga haredicha |
Japen nama thrayam nithyam maha roga nivaranam ||
Powerful mantra for uterus related issues
AstrologyHomamPujaMantrasIndian TraditionVedic RitualsPowerful mantra for uterus related isseusPsyhcic ReadingPowerful mantra for periods related issuesPowerful mantra for infertility issuesPowerful mantra to overcome menstruation problemsPowerful mantra to overcome PCODPowerful mantraPowerful mantra to overcome period issues