Deiphao maihriilai, asasho-a, Mapaosiive tholo
Deiphao hinou, liivea-a nghidzii kou-a bumai
Liivea khaiso, lii asalo,
Asayu lou sou-a nou Puhye vetho… lo,
Welcome souwe, asasho-a
Maihrii la nou, Puh nou khowe
Zhou teithe asayu Christmas hai
Ve asalo, zhou teithe Christmas hai
Welcome souwe, sasho-a nou kho-a bue
Deiphao hinou liivea, nghidzii kou-a bumai
Netao liivea khaiso
Ma…paoye siive… tholo, A…sayu lousou-a nou,
Raki mai nou zhou Asashoa nou khowe.
Mai hriilai nou kho sho-a buyu, Christmas teili vere
Lashu lou khaio, azii hinou ta-a buyu mai
Asashoyu teili vere,
Siidonou liivea khaiso, Puhye vetho…lo
Raki mai nou welcome souwe
Asayu lou, sou-a nou khoe
Zhou teithe asayu Christmas hai
LAII SHIRAFII presents its first ever Album "EMAI VEI HRII". It's a Poumai Gospel Album.
Words are not enough to express our gratitude to our sponsor, well wishers and our friends and families.
It's only through your prayer support, love and help that this has been made possible.
Sponsored by: AT. THAIZII & FAMILY
Director: K. D. Silas
Co-Director: TH. REUBEN
Producer & Composer: K. JACOB
Co-Producer: P. GRACESON
Subtitle: K. KAVISO
Make-up Artist: TH. JASMINE
Recording: LO-Z
Camera & Editing: SANII MARK
WARNING ⚠: Republication or plagiarism of this video is strictly prohibited. Any defaulter will be dealt with legal action.
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