What are the best berries for diabetics?
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We’re going to unearth 4 sweet and 1 savory - yes, savory - berries that fight against the mechanisms and symptoms of diabetes.
1) Anthocyanins contained in raspberries are antioxidant polyphenol pigments that give raspberries their vibrant color. In general, the darker the fruit or vegetable, the more anthocyanins it will contain. And studies show that they can reduce the risk of developing diabetes! Anthocyanins increase adiponectin secretion, which protects against insulin resistance and improves glucose metabolism.
2) 100 grams of mulberries supply approximately 60% of the recommended daily intake for vitamin C! Of the myriad of health benefits associated with this antioxidant, one of its major anti-diabetes powers is its ability to minimize the risk of a post-meal glucose spike! In fact, a recent animal trial showed that lab rats who were regularly given mulberry extract experienced a significant drop in fasting glucose levels after just 5 weeks!
3) A single serving of caper berries also supplies over 200% of the R.D.I. for QUERCETIN. This anti-inflammatory pigment can be immensely beneficial to those suffering from diabetes, as studies show it improves the health of the liver and the kidneys. It’s also been shown to aid in blood sugar regulation, and it can reduce the risk of heart disease.
4) Blackberries are an excellent source of ANTHOCYANINS. These pigments carry anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-obesity, and anti-diabetes benefits. And studies show that they can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Plus, scientists believe that the polyphenolic compounds within blackberries can work to improve cognitive function. Studies further show that regularly eating blackberries can improve bone health, boost immunity, and they can even aid in weight management.
5) Just 4 ounces of kiwi berries - that’s about 6 fruits - provide up to 420 milligrams of blood sugar-balancing vitamin C. That equates to nearly 5 times the recommended daily intake! And kiwi berries are probably the richest dietary source of myo-inositol, or vitamin B8. A serving of 6 kiwi berries provides around 900 milligrams - double the dose of the average B8 supplement!
Studies show that vitamin B8 carries a wide range of health benefits, including its ability to lower fasting glucose levels.
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The 5 Best Berries For Diabetics
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