Identifikohet vrasësi i biznesmenit te Elbasanit Ilir Rexhepi, vëlla i ish agjentit te antidrogës Roland Rexhepi qe u ekzekutua dy vjet me pare. Bledar Muca akuzohet si ekzekutor i 40 vjeçarit dhe sipas policisë dyshohet se ngjarja ka motiv hakmarrjen.
Aktualisht Muca është shpallur ne kërkim ndërkombëtar pasi me date 3 janar ka mundur te kaloje ne Greqi nëpërmjet Kapshticës, i ndihmuar nga një kontrollor i kësaj pike kufitare. Pas hetimeve nga shërbimi i kontrollit te brendshëm është vene ne pranga efektivi i policisë se Kapshticës Ardian Çekiçi i cili akuzohet se ka lejuar kalimin e vrasësit qe ishte pajisur me një pasaporte biometrike me identitet tjetër. Viktima mbante postin e presidentit te një shoqërie te policisë private. Ai u qellua me pistolete ne qendër te qytetit, ndërsa po dilte nga një lokal dhe një plumb ne zemër i shkaktoi vdekjen. Por sipas burimeve policore ai mundi te kundërpërgjigjej me arme dhe mendohet te këtë plagosur autorin, pasi rreth 40 metra me larg u gjeten njolla gjaku ne toke. Ne korrik te vitit 2009, vëllai i Rexhepit i njohur me pseudonimin Doda, ish truproja e Edmond Kosenit, u ekzekutua tek dera e garazhit. Pas ngjarjes u arrestuan katër persona, por vetëm dy prej tyre u vunë nen akuze si autore te vrasjes. Procesi gjyqësor ndaj Armand Llakajt dhe Marjus Tafa vazhdon ne gjykatën e Elbasanit. Dy muaj me pare prokuroria kërkoi 48 vjet burg për dy te pandehurit.
The businessman's killer identified Elbasan Ilir Rexhepi, brother of former anti-drug agents to Roland Rexhepi who was executed two years ago. Muca Bledar accused as the perpetrator of the 40 year old and under police suspicion that the event took revenge motive.
Currently Muca is published in the international search after the date January 3 could exceed in Greece through Kapshtica, assisted by a tester of this border point. After investigations by the internal audit service is put in irons Effective police that Ardian Kapshtica Hammer who is accused of allowing the passage of the killer that was equipped with a biometric passport in another identity. The victim held the post of president of a society of private police. He was shot with a pistol in the center of town, and went from a local and a bullet in the heart caused death. But according to police sources he was able to respond to weapons and injuries are thought to this author, after about 40 yards away the blood stains were found on land. In July 2009, brother Rajab aka Doda, Edmond Kosenit former bodyguard, was shot in the garage door. After the event was arrested four persons, but only two of them were put under the charge of murder as the author. The trial against Tafa Marjus Armand Llakaj and continues in the court of Elbasan. Two months ago, prosecutors asked for 48 years in prison for two of the defendants.