The ocean plays an essential role for balancing the world climate, by absorbing around 30% of the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere, and by regulating the planet's heat and water cycles. At the same time, the health of the ocean is under great threat due to climate change, pollution and the lack of adequate planning of activities such as oil and gas exploration, offshore energy generation, tourism, transport and fishing.
For this reason, the Brazilian government is committed to developing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) until 2030, with the objective of establishing participatory and equitative management of human activities at sea and to promote the sustainable use of the ocean.
A healthy ocean depends on all of us - join us in this cause!
More information: This is an initiative of the Brazilian Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) in partnership with the Inter-ministerial Commission for Marine Resources (CIRM) and with support of the TerraMar Project (GIZ/IKI and MMA).
#terramar #mma #ministeriodomeioambiente #gizbrasil #Cooperaçãobrasilalemanha #marinespatialplanning
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