What if every time you make a choice, the universe splits into alternate realities? One where you wore jeans today, another where you wore sweats. According to quantum physics, this endless branching into parallel universes may actually be happening.
This is the crazy but compelling idea behind the many-worlds interpretation proposed in the 1950s. It suggests that instead of just one definite outcome, all possibilities occur across countless alternate timelines.
One implication is something called quantum immortality. Since there are infinite universes, there must be at least one where you avoid death endlessly by sheer luck. Like Final Destination meets Groundhog Day.
This means from your point of view, you could essentially become invincible, dodging demise again and again across multiple quantum branches where you improbably survive.
Of course, this depends on accepting the many-worlds theory, which remains controversial. At the very least, it makes you realize how unlikely it is you came to exist in the first place. Just think - in order to be alive reading this, every one of your ancestors had to survive long enough to reproduce. What are the odds? Maybe you really are immortal after all. Or maybe it’s just a sci-fi fantasy. But either way, it’ll make you think differently about the multiverse next time you cross the street.
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