Ross Ulbricht, known as "Dread Pirate Roberts", was a young American prodigy who was under 30 when, in 2011, he created the star dark net market website: "Silk Road". The site immediately became a sort of Amazon for the underground economy. It was the most gigantic Internet-based drugs market, where for just a few Bitcoins, the famous alternative digital currency, you could also buy fake papers, credit cards, or weapons.
The very best secret services agents and the finest detectives from all the crime-fighting organisations, ranging from the FBI to the DEA and the counter-terrorism department took over two years to track him down. Ross Ulbricht's story is that of an entrepreneur 2.0 who certainly didn't lack audacity. When he was arrested in October 2013. In February 2015, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Documentary: Ross Ulbricht – Prince of the Darknet
Directed by: Julie Peyrard
Production: Pallas Télévision
#fulldocumentary #documentary #film
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